muirkirk in the hills of ayrshire - from the muirkirk enterprise group


Muirkirk Names

A Resource to help Genealogists and Family History Research

Muirkirk Names aims to be a resource which will assist Genalogists and others doing Family History research, a resource will grow through time as a list of names and relationships displayed alphabetically by surname.

We will do our part in researching names and relationships but you can help. We would like information based on family names, dates of birth/marriage/death and relationships. And, of course, some people had stories which were worth telling.

So, let's see if we can create a really personal history of Muirkirk Names. If you would like information added to these pages, please Click here to let the webmaster know what you know

Muirkirk Cemeteries

The website Scottish Monumental Inscriptions can provide CD's with photographs and inscriptions of headstones found in both Muirkirk Cemetery and Muirkirk Kirkyard - more information here.

Index of Names


David Hamilton ALEXANDER and Sarah Hamilton were both raised in an orphanage in Scotland and, when they came of an age that they had to leave the orphanage, were married Janurary 25, 1856 at Parish Church of Muirkirk Scotland. In 1868 they emigrated to America.



CRANSTON, Ann Meggert

CRANSTON, Alexander



Robert Alexander Dixon from Glasgow married Marion Margaret Palmer (Mari) from Muirkirk in Muirkirk Parish Church on 10th July 1973.

DOUGLAS, Gabriel - born Muirkirk 1822


HAMILTON in the 1881 Census

Howat, Grace - married Muirkirk 1826 - emigrated to USA

HUNTER, James - born 1851 Muirkirk
(died) 1922 Boston Massachusetts USA

Information from descendents is required. James lived in Glasgow in the 1880's his wife was Margaret Anderson b' 1846 Rayne Aberdeen family were Eizabeth, Henry, Jane, Edward, James, George.

HUNTER, Edward
born in Muirkirk, Edward is recorded in the 1881 Census as being employed as a Porter at the Barony Poorhourse, Barnhill near Glasgow. At that time Edward was 33 years of age and unmarried.

IGI Batch Numbers for Muirkirk

JOHNSTONE, William Shepherd at Netherwood

LAMBERT, Janet, born 1834

John Lapraik was a poet, a contemporary and friend of Robert Burns, lived all his life in the vicinity of Muirkirk and is buried in the Parish Kirk graveyard.


McCullough, Judith - born 1820


PAGAN, Mary - born 1777

PAGAN, Isobell (Tibby)
born 1741, in the Parish of New Cumnock, where she lived until 14 years of age, Tibbie died in 1821 and is buried in the old Kirkyard at Muirkirk. Reputedly the original author or Robert Burns' "Ca' the Yowes tae the Knowes".

PALMER - Thomas, born 1921

ROSS - Andrew Ross, medical practicioner and botanist, born 1829

SMITH, James


born in Muirkirk, is recorded in the 1881 Census as being an inmate at the Barony Poorhourse, Barnhill near Glasgow. At that time Mary was 54 years old, unmarried and her occupation is recorded as a Shoebinder.

SPROUL, Elizabeth
born in Muirkirk, is recorded in the 1881 Census as being an inmate at the Barony Poorhourse, Barnhill near Glasgow. At that time Elizabeth was 55 years old, unmarried and her occupation is recorded as a Cotton Mill Worker.


Thompson or Thomson
MARY THOMPSON or THOMSON, b. 1813, Sanquhar, Dumfriesshire, Scotland, m. 1830 at Muirkirk, Ayrshire, Scotland, ARCHIBALD JOHNSTON, b. 1805, New Monkland, Lanarkshire, Scotland.
Children: JAMES, 1830; William, 1833; Margaret, 1835; Mary, 1838; ROBERT, 1840; Jean, 1842; Robert, 1844; Janet, 1846; John, 1849; Ellen, 1852; Annie, DOB not known


Walls, William - married Muirkirk 1826 - emigrated to USA

WYLLIE, William