Muirkirk Community Council is a voluntary organisation set up by statute, by East Ayrshire Council and run by local volunteers to act on behalf of of all the residents of Muirkirk. As the most local tier of elected representation Community Councils play an important role in local democracy.
Your Community Council members are all people who care about our community, and want to make it a great place to live and work.
As well as representing the community to the local authority, Muirkirk Community Council aims to bring people together and make things happen, we also keep them informed by social media, and by producing and delivering a free newsletter.
The current community councillors are as follows:
David McLatchie, Chairman – 01290 661506
Bob Norman, Vice Chair – 07711 004218
Kathleen Hignett, Secretary – 01290 660132
Judith Linton, Treasurer – 01290 661792
David Agnew
Gary Clifford
Kirsty Clifford
John Dempster
Maureen Drennan
Terence Lloyd
Lisa Macmillan
Billy McLatchie
Harry Murray
The December 2018 Muirkirk Newsletter is now available to download:
(There was no November newsletter)
The September 2018 Muirkirk Newsletter is now available to download:
Muirkirk Gala Day 2017
The store will re=open as a branch of McColl’s on Thursday 13th April.
In recent months the site has begun development into a resource through which it is hoped to present the current day Muirkirk, the activities which are scheduled in and around the village and the services which are available to the village (or, in recent times, under threat).
The time has come for development of the site and production of content to transfer from someone lives outwith the village to those who live and work in Muirkirk and who taking the village forward into the future. As such, you should in coming weeks and months became aware of changes to the website, additional facilities, such as the ability to download Muirkirk News, and more interaction with other web resources, such as Facebook.
There may be a need for some downtime while the website transfers to new hosting but it is hoped this can be kept to a minimum.
The group can help put people in touch with other related groups such as Ayrshire Cancer Support, arrange for a couple of relaxing treatments such as reflexology, or just be there to listen. They can also pass on tips that have been picked up over the years.
Twice a year the group holds a dinner for those who have been helped in the past, when folk can chat in a relaxed atmosphere. For the last few years this has been held at St Thomas’s Hall, Muirkirk.
For more information on Muirkirk Cancer Support Group contact Stephanie at 01290 661566